Monday, January 6, 2014

Yeah!!! Media Art Class Returns

We are back at it again and I am so excited about the new group of students.  Our first lesson starts in a similar manner everytime but we will infuse the group with more inspiring photographers.

What to do with all your photos?
Here is a step by step guide to help you get the most from your captured images.
·         Name batch all your photos based on the assignment.  Example- name focus
·         Evaluate your images into groups of the best 10 images.
Answer these questions when deciding on your photos.

1.   Does the image satisfy the requirements of the lesson?
2.   Is the image clear in the message or design?
3.   Is the image “strong”?  Does the image grab the attention of the viewer, and communicate an idea, or share an experience?

The strongest images are those that are simple and present the subject matter in a clear, uncluttered way.
Photographers work with line, shape, texture, color, and pattern.
Each photo shoot you are assigned will emphasize one or more of these elements.

Delete all unnecessary images to prevent your computer from slowing down.  (Have a flash drive for Media Art Images if you wish to keep more than the required photographs.)
Reminder: Set your digital camera to the M1 setting or the
8.5 x11 setting. 
Do not use the Large Format setting.

First lesson-
Find your Aesthetic-“What do you find fascinating?”

·        You are to take as many photos that you like on the auto setting.  Take pictures of people, places, landscapes, and objects.
·        Capture the subjects that captivate you – impulse.
·        Take the same image from different points of view.
·        You will select only TEN and save in your Media Art folder for a class preview, but you will be capturing a lot of images.
·        Make sure you rename all photographs with Name-Lesson
Example: Schultz-Aesthetic
·        We will learn how to upload images to the Media Art SkyDrive in class for critique.
·        Write a paragraph explaining your choices for the collection you will be presenting in class.  You can email the document to me and also attach it to the BlendSpace folder with the best images from the critique. 
·        You will only place the very best images for your digital photography portfolio on BlendSpace.
You will present your photos and justification for your selection.  You will get feedback on your choices from your peers in class.  This process will give you insight into your personal aesthetics and we will build on this experience to help guide you through your future photo sessions.

 Great TedX for you to review

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